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Managing History

I've just begun graduate school and first impressions are mostly that it's a ton of reading. Which might have meant, but for a bit of deus ex machina*, that this blog would slowly crumble from neglect as it fell to the bottom of my to-do list. But it doesn't, because one of my courses, "Managing History" (the introductory Public History class in the M.A. sequence) requires, not only that we keep a blog (Hey, presto! one requirement down!) but that we also use it to respond to each week's readings. So I'll actually be posting a bunch more than usual, aided by a lengthy booklist, writing prompts, and deadlines!

I'll be tagging all of these posts "Managing History" in case you want to read through them all at once (you'll have to wait until December for that, you binge-readers). There will be a sprinkling of non-class blogs maybe, but my calendar is filling up and my bookshelf is groaning.

*I.e. the class syllabus, which fell to Earth from the 9th floor of Gladfelter Hall.

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